Brand Guidelines

This new Archetika brand manual consists of a set of guidelines that describe how to use the visual identity of the brand. It provides the guide needed to consistently communicate the right messages in the right manner when creating marketing materials. It should be shared internally, with partners, contractors and affiliates.

Brand positioning

Core message

Why we are here: Archetika is a Boutique Real Estate Consultancy firm based in Mexico. We are a team of architects, developers, risk analysts, marketers, and financial consultants. Our mission is dedicated to making our client succeed in their ventures, raising capital, minimizing risks and developing sustainable and profitable business models.

What makes us different: We have over 2 decades of experience auditing, analyzing risk, obtaining funding and successfully guiding hundreds of real estate projects to completion.

What do we do and how do we do it: Our focus is on risk management, funding and sustainability. We measure, analyse and evaluate risks with our propriatory ARES Risk Score tool and we provide strategies to mitigate those risks and maximize chances of funding.

Who we serve: We lead the way for a new generation of Latin American real estate developers who care about their customers and the impact they make. We help developers achieve financial independence, mitigate risks, find investors, lead successful projects, learn, grow, and thrive professionally.


Vibrant, audacious, focused, and best in class, the Archetika brand is designed to inspire confidence, professionalism and boldness.

brand attributes

What defines personality?

The style of business must be reflected in the brand's visual impact, a fresh, modern, stylish, sober and vibrant sense of esthetics.
The promise to always put customers first in our approach and prioritize integrity and ethics while pursuing the objectives given.
The verbal and visual style to adopt in communication and in business. In contrast with politically correct, low key, standard, average, cliche and unimaginative.
Being solution-driven, the analytical problem solving ability to listen to what our clients require and find solutions in a way that is both innovative and responsible.
Best in class
Setting high expectations because we set and deliver high standards in quality of product and services that define customer experience
The ability to act consistently and reliably on what we promise and always prioritize trust in our relationships.

tone of voice

To develop a brand’s tone of voice is essential for standardizing communication in a consistent way, to help emotionally connect with our audience.

how to communicate

Archetika's tone of voice is friendly—without being formal or common— functional— meaning helpful and clear, organizing thoughts in an empathic way that anticipates needs— and emotionally expressive in a way that puts people before products and services. Trust , clarity and empathy are the key elements of our communication.


A logo needs an appropriate amount of space around it in order to visually stand out and function as intended.

Color palette

Color is one of those areas where we must achieve as much as possible, with as little as possible. The right color scheme will help guide user attention, boost comprehension, shape the right emotions and build positive associations with our brand.

The choice of colors is be determined by the ability to offer equally optimal contrast on dark and white backgrounds. The Archetika palette consists of a primary color (primary green) with a light and dark version, a dark midnight blue and a plum accent color. The palette is designed to evoke a calm energy, professionalism, and rigor.

When using graphic elements formatted for Print, Pantone Formula Guide Coated values should always be used for optimal color fidelity and compatibility.

Usage of the palette

  • The Primary Green is used for headings, CTA buttons and some small backgrounds areas.
  • Body text uses Midnight Blue color.
  • Dark Green is used for hyperlinks, high-contrast backgrounds & CTA buttons.
  • Light green is used for backgrounds, shades and secondary CTA buttons.
  • Accent plum color is used for CTA backgrounds and the dark version for small headings.

primary color

Primary Green
RGB: 0, 163, 173
HEX: #00A3AD
HSL: 183, 100, 34
Pantone: 7467 C

Brand palette

Dark Green

RGB: 0, 99, 114
HEX: #006372
HSL: 188, 100, 22
Pantone: 3155 C

Light Green

RGB: 136, 219, 223
HSL: 183, 58, 70
Pantone: 318 C

Midnight Blue

RGB: 30, 26, 52
HEX: #1E1A34
HSL: 249, 33, 15
Pantone: 5255 C

Pearl Grey

RGB: 242, 246, 250
HSL: 210, 44, 96
Pantone: --

Accent Plum

RGB: 164, 114, 167
HEX: #A472A7
HSL: 297, 23, 55
Pantone: 7440 C

Accent Dark

RGB: 163, 97, 167
HEX: #A361A7
HSL: 297, 28, 52
Pantone: 2583 C


Type is what meaning looks like.

The style of typeface family is yet another form of non-verbal messaging we are sending out about our brand. The choice of typographic family helps to tie all communications together, from the copy on the website,  email marketing, creating brand consistency and memorability. A typeface personality should match the personality of the brand.

Heading Typeface
montserrat semiBold

The primary typeface chosen for and headings body copy is the sans serif MONTSERRAT. It is a modern open source sans serif typeface designed by the Argentinian designer Julieta Ulanovsky, inspired from the old posters and signs in the traditional Montserrat neighborhood of Buenos Aires to rescue the beauty of urban typography that emerged in the first half of the twentieth century. Montserrat is elegant, sober, and scales well on all devices maintaining a high degree of legibility. ‍

LARGE HEADING — 56PX / line height 100%

This is a Title

H1 — 48PX / line height 110%

This is a Header H1

H2 — 36PX / line height 120%

This is a Header H2

H3 — 32PX / line height 120%

This is a Header H3.

H4 — 24PX / line height 130%

This is a Header H4.

Paragraph typeface

Base font size for paragraphs is 18px, using Montserrat Regular (400) or Medium (500), with a default line height of 160% and using Midnight Blue of the font color.

Large Paragraph - 22px

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Medium Paragraph - 20px

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Normal Paragraph - 18px

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

small Paragraph - 15px

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad veniam.
  • Heading line height is fixed
  • All buttons now have tooltips
  • Spell checker number issue fixed


The different types of buttons used throughout the website. (class CTA using inline-flex)


Sign Up






We use the Google Material Icons for symbols. An open source library of over 2,500 glyphs in a single font file with a wide range of design variants. Symbols are available in three styles and four adjustable variable font styles (fill, weight, grade, and optical size).

Logo assets

The various versions of the logo the Archetika brand can be found below, with direct access to download the different files. Whenever possible, use the SVG version that is scalable.You know the rules, no putting it upside down, stretching it, or doing anything funky!

Logo white
logo vertical
logo vertical inverted
logotype inverted
Brand mark
brandmark white

sub Brand logos

The Sub-brand logo is used to create a coherent signature across the brand.

The sub brand logo is retains the characteristics of the brand colors, brandmark and typography. It can be used with or without a tagline.


The following font files are available for download (TTF), either in static or variable versions


Google fonts


Logotype font

business card

The following vector PDF files are ready for print (CMYK), including bleed and margins.